How do I print a paper?


Student printers are located on the 1st and 3rd floors of the library. These are self-service, black and white machines. Black and white prints (and copies) cost 10 cents per page, which is deducted from your print account. Scanning to email is free.

Sign into any of our computers with your UBNetID and password. Using the standard print menu, select the printer named Student Printing, and click Print. Your print job is now Held in a queue and ready to be redeemed at any of our printers.

If you do not see student printing in the pull down menu, you can use the web print option. Go to Log in with your UBNet ID and upload your document. It will be held in the printer queue until you scan your ID to release the print from the printer.

  • Last Updated Sep 21, 2023
  • Views 62
  • Answered By Juliann Moskowitz

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